Sunday, February 03, 2008

Such a big girl

Lately Makena has been wanting to hold Tanner after he has gone to sleep, So one night she kept asking and asking so we let hold him before putting him in bed. For some reason he looks so much bigger when they are next to each other. She is such a great big sister and LOVES her little brother even though lately they have been fighting because he always wants what she has so on and so on. LOL
One night she had a pretty sweet setup with her toys, She had set up a moviestore, sleeping arrangements the whole works. She even asked me to take a picture for her!!

She had used the mini m&M container as people in her movie store.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Awww! I SO love that first picture! And the last one too, she really looks like her mommy. So cute Emily!

*I gave you a blog award, come check it out when you get a minute. :)*