Monday, August 27, 2007


Yep I have jumped on to the payperpost blog ads bandwagon again!! I have heard so many great things about this and that many have earned quite about of money for not doing very much. So I thought to myself what the heck why not do something to help give me some play money and to do something that i do enjoy doing, that is learning about new places and then telling people about the great things that I have learned!!! PayPerPost can be very helpful to may families that may not have the spending money they wish to have, most opps pay anywhere between $5-$20 per post and after a month or two that adds up to quite a bit, and heck who would love some extra cash for not doing to much. I figured since I am already blogging about my family why not give out a little information on other stuff and who knows it might actually benefit someone else!! So if you are looking for some extra cash then join the payperpost team and the possibilities are endless.

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