Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thankful Thursday

I know that I havn't done this in a while but I am so thankful today. I am thankful for the safe birth of my new nephew Emmett Mykle who weighted 7 lbs 6 oz and joined his mother and father on Sept 15th!! Welcome Emmett Can't wait to met you!

I am also thankful for my husbands job and that it allows me to stay home with my 2 children and how I love watching them grow and learn each day.

I am also thankful for a night away from my kids so that I can attend Enrichment. I really miss being with the sisters of my branch as I am a primary teacher and miss RS. So i'm thankful to be going there to reconnect with the women of our branch!!

Emmett Mykle!!


Kara said...

Congrats on your new nephew, he's adorable!

Natalie said...

Congrats on the birth of your nephew! He's precious!

Michelle said...

He's really cute! That's great he made it here safe and sound.

I understand about going to enrichment. I was able to go just a few days ago and it was really nice to be there. Glad you made it to yours and enjoyed yourself too!