Thursday, July 09, 2009

Our Peanut

Well as most people now know we are expecting #3! My due date is Feb 12th but i'm sure I will go early as I have never made it to my due date with either of my other children. We are super excited to add another child to our family and I just hope that soon the morning sickness will pass and I can start to really enjoy my pregnancy. Anyways here is our babies first picture.


snickie said...

Aww! Congratulations, I'm so excited for you!

Stacey said...

So fun! I love seeing ultrasound pictures. :)

Rhiannon said...

New little bean to kiss and love! Thanks for giving me that gift.

Michelle said...

Congratulations again! I think it's fun that we're due about the same time. You're a bit after me but I don't have your luck, my babies are always late, so we'll probably end up trading due dates lol! I hope you start to feel better soon. Hang in there!